Saturday, March 6, 2010

Weigh in #6

Welcome again and thanks for sticking with me. Another week has come and gone and, though it was not as successful as last week, I had a good time this week, and I'll trade an extra pound or two for some fun any day. I got a bit of inspiration in the kitchen and I got past my normal chicken breast and two veg and branched out. You all saw the results of my Vietnamese adventure early in the week and yesterday I made some great fish that I think was very successful. In high school I got roped into providing a home cooked meal for two as an item in a charity auction. The recipe I ended up cooking the winners was a sort of Asian inspired salmon and spinach with whipped potatoes.
Well, I had some great yellowfin tuna in the freezer and some baby spinach in the crisper drawer, so I decided to see if I could whip it up again. I didn't broil the fish like in the original so I just seared it off and quickly wilted the spinach. The sauce is just a bit of light soy, some lime juice, and a bit of brown sugar reduced down to a syrup. I added a bit of ginger and Chinese five spice just for kicks and I think it was a success. It looked good too.

The Numbers

As I mentioned earlier this week didn't break any records, but a month in I feel the results are pretty solid. Here are the results:

Current Weight: 409.6 lbs
Starting Weight: 440.2 lbs
Weight Loss This Week: 4.2 lbs
Weight Loss Total: 30.6 lbs

Only half the weight loss of last week's great results, but I hit a couple of milestones that were very encouraging. Thirty pounds down total and I got that second number in my weight to change again this week. I also have found out that NyQuil/DayQuil seems to effect sodium labels (at least extrapolating from the warnings) which means I am probably retaining water. Though my total weigh loss is not as fast as I would like it to be (realistically it couldn't be, but I always loved a quick fix) I think this week is a benchmark for success as my body gets used to my new diet and activity.

This Should Keep Me Busy

Last night I got an email from my friends Jason and Amy Gerace and when I got home I was greeted by an amazing gift. It was a recipe book that Jason and Amy had compiled for me. The recipes had come from over 20 of my friends from college and my time in Chicago, and even one of my professors. It is an overwhelming gift and I thank all of you who had a hand in it. By the time I had skimmed through the whole thing I felt like George Bailey after everyone in Bedford Falls showed up. I cannot thank all of you enough, not just for the recipes, which should prove invaluable, but for the expression of support. It is so easy to indulge myself that this is a solitary journey, or that I am even fighting with myself and to take a defeatist attitude if the slightest thing goes wrong, but knowing that so many of you have taken a personal interest when you didn't need to is both sobering and invigorating. I cannot thank you enough, both to those who participated in the recipe book and those of you who follow my journey here.


  1. We should plan some dinners together. Your blog is beginning to read delicious.

  2. 30lbs down is nothing to scoff at. That is like a pound a day! Amazing!

    Also that fish looks great. Chris and I have been trying to cook more, and fish and spinach are two of our favorites, so I'll give it a try.

  3. Hi, Sweetie, I'll try to come up with some low calorie tasty treats, too. How wonderful to have friends such as yours!!My doctor just suggested that I use at least three Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, daily, to help in my losing weight. Maybe it could work for you! He said it can be used in place of lemon in some instances. Love you more than anything. Mammaw
